
Guide How to Use Consul DNS Locally on macOS

This is a guide how to use Consul’s DNS service from your local macOS machine. Test resolution by hand Run this command to see if you can communicate with consul correctly and it resolves domain names for you: dig vault.service.consul @$CONSUL_IP -p 8600 As response you should get the A record that will look similar to this (look for ANSWER SECTION): ;; ANSWER SECTION: vault.service.consul. 0 IN A (the IP address will be different in your case)

QNAP NAS: Create Backup of TimeMachine Directory

I was recently setting up remote backups for my QNAP NAS and came across a problem. QNAP NAS by default doesn’t seem to be able to create backups of the TMBackup directory it uses to store TimeMachine backups. You are unable to sync this directory with remote server or cloud storage/backup service. I was googling around and noticed that few people had this problem, for example here and I have found a solution.

How to use Trezor Wallet with Bitcoin Testnet

The following post is a quick tutorial how to use Trezor hardware wallet with Bitcoin Testnet. Connect your Trezor like you normally would Click on “Wallet settings” Delete contents of this field and enter “" instead Click “Save & Reload” This is how the wallet page should look Notice that in the right left corner it says “Custom backend”, this is expected. I already have 0.20 testnet BTC there. This is how “Receive” tab looks like, there is information that you are running on testnet This is how “Send” tab looks like, there is information that you are running on testnet Unfortunately there’s no way for the Trezor wallet to remember this setting and you are required to repeat those steps every time you plug in your wallet into computer.

Using Swagger UI For Local Development

When working on the swagger documentation, several different tools can be used. The ‘official’ editor developed by the Swagger community is Swagger Editor, live preview:, I have found it quite quick and easy to use, but for larger project it gets cumbersome. Additionally it doesn’t support ability to have multiple files that will reference each other. This post is a quick demonstration of the workflow I’m using when working on the large, multi-file swagger documentations.

Scala Patterns To Avoid: Implicit Arguments With Default Values

There is a tendency for the Scala projects to prefer more explicit programming style. The biggest aspect of that is in my opinion the type system of the Scala language, programmers often start writing their functions by defining types of the arguments and type of the result, only to write the body of the function as last step. That’s also because we have the Scala compiler to help us. I recently stumbled on a snippet that contradicts this rule and can be a source of hard to spot bugs for the person unfamiliar with the code.

JSON in Play Framework - Advanced Libraries

This is a followup post to my previous one covering JSON in Play framework. I’d like to show how the manual work I did before in trying to make JSON mapping compatible with external API can be done by using 2 small but useful libraries: [play-json-naming]( [play-json-extensions]( play-json-naming This is a very simple library that can be used to convert from camelCase formatting (the default one that we use in Scala) to snake_case formatting that is common in various different languages (for example PHP or Ruby).

JSON in Play Framework - Techniques For Making Compatible Mappings

I’ll show 2 slightly advanced techniques for working with JSON in Play Framework (play-json) that are useful especially when you need to control the mappings yourself. For example when you have to make sure that your API is compatible with existing applications. The examples are based on my project Game Arena (which is in very early stages of development) One suggestion, before we start, take a look at Play Framework JSON documentation which is truly quite comprehensive and provides a very good introduction to JSON usage in Play.

Recommended Resources For Learning Bitcoin

In the recent weeks I did have many people asking me for recommender resources for learning Bitcoin from the techology side. Here is a list of learning resources that I can recommend: “Mastering Bitcoin” by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, purchase link:, free version online: This is a very approachable for anyone wanting to learn details of how Bitcoin works under the hood, so far I have read it twice 🙂

How to setup a Litecoin node

Note: Setting up Litecoin and Bitcoin nodes is very similar, you can check my previous post on how to setup a Bitcoin node. This tutorial describes how to setup a new Litecoin relay node on Linux server - this node will be used as relay node in the Litecoin network and it’s not recommended to store anything in it’s wallet. Download Litecoin from official website:"> At the moment the most recent version can be downloaded using this direct link: https://download.

How to verify that SSL certificate matches key

In order to verify that OpenSSL key matches certificate you can run following command: For key: openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in yourdomain.key | openssl md5 and for certificate: openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in yourdomain.crt | openssl md5 and for CSR (Certificate Signing Request): openssl req -noout -modulus -in yourdomain.csr <span style="box-sizing: border-box; color: #2aa198;">| openssl md5</span> In all cases you should get the same output, for example: (stdin)=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e If the output is the same in all cases this means that keys match certificate.