
My Entry to "Daj Się Poznać" Competition

In this blog post I intent to give a brief overview of “Daj się poznać” competition and some reasoning why I decided to join it. Few words about “Daj Się Poznać” “Daj się poznać” (in English: “Let yourself known”) is a competition aimed at Polish programming community and it’s idea is to help programmers to be more involved in both blogging and open source work. Currently it’s aimed only at the polish market, so all content on the official website is in Polish, most of the participants are blogging in Polish, only few in English.

Getting Started With And TypeScript - Boilerplate Project

In order to help me and others with starting game development with and TypeScript, I have created a boilerplate project on github: that can be used to jump-start game development. Just clone or download a zipped archive of the repository, then start writing your game - README file has more detailed information how to use it. I have added following components: npm commands for running project in development and production mode