
Slides from my talk: Introduction to Ionic 2

Yesterday I gave a talk at ng-wrocław meetup “Ionic 2 - Intro” The presentation took about 50 minutes, during that time I gave a quick introduction the the ionic 2 framework (based on the following slides), then I have shown my project “Daily Gifs” that is available on github:

Slides From My Talk: Mutation Testing In Java

Few weeks ago I have a talk at conference called “33rd Degree 4 Charity” which was a 2 day event held in Wroclaw. These are my slides (there is no recording): The related sample project that I used as a demo is here: If you are interested in this topic you’ll get most out of it if you clone the project, run it locally and analyze the results (everything is explained in the README.

Commitment scheme lighting talk

Yesterday I gave a lighting talk “Commitment scheme” The talk was give at DRUG #62. The lighting talk ended up taking almost 1h because we started to discuss how to organize elections based on commitment scheme principles.