Note: Setting up Dogecoin, Litecoin and Bitcoin nodes is very similar, you can check my other blog posts. This tutorial describes how to setup a new Dogecoin relay node on Linux server - this node will be used as relay node in the Dogecoin network and it’s not recommended to store anything in it’s wallet.
Download Dogecoin from official website:">
At the moment the most recent version can be downloaded using this direct link: https://github.
This post is a quick tutorial on how to install and configure Transmission torrent client on Linux (Debian, Ubuntu) server in headless mode.
Create directory to store downloads:
mkdir ~/Downloads Install transmission (run as root or with sudo):
apt-get install transmission-daemon Add your user to debian-transmission group (run as root or with sudo):
usermod -a -G debian-transmission user Setup correct permissions to Downloads folder, for starters I suggest setting 777:
This tutorial describes how to setup a new Bitcoin node on Linux server - this node will be used as relay node in the Bitcoin network and it’s not recommended to store anything in it’s wallet.
Download bitcoin from official website:
At the moment the most recent version can be downloaded using this direct link:">
Extract archive:
tar xf bitcoin-0.9.1-linux.tar.gz Create bitcoin configuration file:
mkdir ~/.bitcoin Create new file in ~/.